List of publications 30 November 2024

Peer-reviewed scientific journals:

87. Vähä-Konka, V., Korhonen, L., Kärhä, K., Maltamo, M. 2025. Estimating timber assortment reduction and sawlog proportions with the application of harvester measurements and open big geodata. Trees, Forests and People, 100811.

86. Zhang, S., Korhonen, L., Nummenmaa, T., Bianchi, S., Maltamo, M. 2024. How to implement the data collection of leaf area index by means of citizen science and forest gamification? Silva Fennica 58(5), 24044.

85. Mäkinen, K., Korhonen, L., Maltamo, M. 2024. Improving airborne laser scanning-based species-specific forest volume estimation using Sentinel-2 time series. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2422315.

84. Cosenza, D.N., Saarela, S., Strunk, J., Korhonen, L., Maltamo, M., Packalen, P. 2024. Effects of model-overfit on model-assisted forest inventory in boreal forests with remote sensing data. Forestry, cpae055.

83. Kukkonen, M., Myllymäki, M., Räty, J., Varvia, P., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. 2024. Band configurations and seasonality influence the predictions of common boreal tree species using UAS image data. Annals of Forest Science 81(1), 31.

82. Varvia, P., Saarela, S., Maltamo, M., Packalen, P., Gobakken, T., Næsset, E., Ståhl, G. & Korhonen, L. 2024. Estimation of boreal forest biomass from ICESat-2 data using hierarchical hybrid inference. Remote Sensing of Environment 311, 114249.

81. Korhonen, L., Kärhä, K., Maltamo, M., Malinen, J., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H., Toivonen, J., Packalen, P., Koivula, M. 2024. Kaukokartoitus ja metsäkoneiden sensorit metsien monimuotoisuusindikaattorien seurannassa. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, 23010.

80. Vähä-Konka, V., Korhonen, L., Kärhä, K., Maltamo, M. 2024. Estimating the accuracy of smartphone app-based removal estimates against actual wood-harvesting data from clear cuttings. iForest 17(3), 140-147.

79. Jääskeläinen, J., Korhonen, L., Kukkonen, M., Packalen, P., Maltamo, M. 2024. Individual tree inventory based on uncrewed aerial vehicle data: how to utilise stand-wise field measurements of diameter for calibration? Silva Fennica 58(3), 23042.

78. Zhang, S., Korhonen, L., Lang, M., Pisek, J., Díaz, G.M., Korpela, I., Xia, Z., Haapala, H., Maltamo, M. 2024. Comparison of Semi-physical and Empirical Models in the Estimation of Boreal Forest Leaf Area Index and Clumping with Airborne Laser Scanning Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62, 5701212.

77. Gopalakrishnan, R., Korhonen, L., Mõttus, M., Rautiainen, M., Hovi, A., Mehtätalo, L., Maltamo, M., Peltola, H., Packalen, P. 2023. Evaluation of a forest radiative transfer model using an extensive boreal forest inventory database. Science of Remote Sensing, 100098.

76. Saarela, S., Varvia, P., Korhonen, L., Yang, Z., Patterson, P.L., Gobakken, T., Næsset, E., Healey, S.P., Ståhl, G. 2023. Three-phase hierarchical model-based and hybrid inference. MethodsX, 102321.

75. Maltamo, M., Peltola, P., Packalen, P., Hardenbol, A., Räty, J., Saksa, T., Eerikäinen, K., Korhonen, L. 2023. Can models for forest attributes based on airborne laser scanning be generalized for different silvicultural management systems? Forest Ecology and Management 546, 121312.

74. Georgopoulos, N., Gitas, I.Z., Korhonen, L., Antoniadis, K., Stefanidou, A. 2023. Estimating Crown Biomass in a Multilayered Fir Forest Using Airborne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing 15(11), 2919.

73. Pisek, J., Odera, C.A., Kaha, M., Korhonen, L., Erb, A., Marshak, A., Knyazikhin, Y. 2023. First validation of Earth Reflector Type Index (p) parameter from DSCOVR EPIC VESDR data product using Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network observing sites in Australia. Remote Sensing of Environment 288, 113511.

72. Hardenbol, A.A., Korhonen, L., Kukkonen, M., Maltamo, M. 2023. Detection of standing retention trees in boreal forests with airborne laser scanning point clouds and multispectral imagery. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 1610-1622. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13995.

71. Varvia, P., Korhonen, L., Bruguière, A., Toivonen, J., Packalen, P., Maltamo, M., Saarela, S., Popescu, S.C. 2022. How to consider the effects of time of day, beam strength, and snow cover in ICESat-2 based estimation of boreal forest biomass? Remote Sensing of Environment 280, 113174.

70. Kukkonen, M., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. 2022. Evaluation of UAS LiDAR data for tree segmentation and diameter estimation in boreal forests using trunk- and crown-based methods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52(5), 674-684.

69. Launiainen, S., Katul, G.G., Leppä, K., Kolari, P., Aslan, T., Grönholm, T., Korhonen, L., Mammarella, I., Vesala, T. 2022. Does growing atmospheric CO2 explain increasing carbon sink in a boreal coniferous forest? Global Change Biology 28(9), 2910-2929.

68. Maltamo, M., Vartiainen, P., Packalen, P., Korhonen, L. 2021. Estimation of periodic annual increment of tree ring widths by airborne laser scanning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52(4), 644-651.

67. Manninen, T., Roujean, J.L., Hautecoeur, O., Riihelä, A., Lahtinen, P., Jääskeläinen, E., Siljamo, N, Anttila, K., Sukuvaara, T., Korhonen, L. 2021. Airborne measurements of surface albedo and leaf area index of snow-covered boreal forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(1), e2021JD035376.

66. Cosenza, D.N., Packalen, P., Maltamo, M., Varvia, P., Räty, J., Soares, P., Tomé, M., Strunk, J.L., Korhonen, L. 2021. Effects of numbers of observations and predictors for various model types on the performance of forest inventory with airborne laser scanning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52(3), 385-395.

65. Georgopoulos, N., Gitas, I.Z., Stefanidou, A., Korhonen, L., Stavrakoudis, D. 2021. Estimation of Individual Tree Stem Biomass in an Uneven-Aged Structured Coniferous Forest Using Multispectral LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing 13(23), 4827.

64. Toivonen, J., Kukkonen, M., Kotivuori, E., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. 2021. Transferability of ALS-based forest attribute models when predicting with drone-based image point cloud data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 103, 102484.

63. Hardenbol, A.A., Kuzmin, A., Korhonen, L., Korpelainen, A., Kumpula, T., Maltamo, M., Kouki, J. 2021. Detection of aspen in conifer-dominated boreal forests with seasonal multispectral drone image point clouds. Silva Fennica 55(4), article id 10515.

62. Kuzmin, A., Korhonen, L., Kivinen, S., Hurskainen, P., Korpelainen, P., Tanhuanpää, T, Maltamo, M., Vihervaara, P. & Kumpula, T. 2021. Detection of European aspen (Populus tremula L.) based on an unmanned aerial vehicle approach in boreal forests. Remote Sensing 13(9), 1723.

61. Kukkonen, M., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. 2021. Fusion of crown and trunk detections from airborne UAS based laser scanning for small area forest inventories. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 100, 102327.

60. Räty, J., Varvia, P., Korhonen, L., Savolainen, P., Maltamo, M., Packalen, P. 2021. A comparison of linear-mode and single photon airborne LiDAR in species-specific forest inventories. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2021.3060670

59. Kotivuori, E., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., Strunk, J.L., Packalen, P. 2021. Prediction error aggregation behaviour for remote sensing augmented forest inventory approaches. Forestry, cpab007.

58. Pisek, J., Erb, A., Korhonen, L., Biermann, T., Carrara, A., Cremonese, E., Cuntz, M., Fares, S., Gerosa, G., Grünwald, T., Hase, N., Heliasz, M., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Kobler, J., Kruijt, B., Lange, H., Leppänen, L., Limousin, J.-M., Serrano, F. R. L., Loustau, D., Lukeš, P., Lundin, L., Marzuoli, R., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Neirynck, J., Peichl, M., Rebmann, C., Rubio, E., Santos-Reis, M., Schaaf, C., Schmidt, M., Simioni, G., Soudani, K., Vincke, C. 2021. Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily MODIS bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests. Biogeosciences 18, 621-635.

57. Kukkonen, M., Kotivuori, E., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. 2021. Volumes by tree species can be predicted using photogrammetric UAS data, Sentinel-2 images and prior field measurements. Silva Fennica 55(1), article id 10360.

56. Tian, L., Qu, Y., Korhonen, L., Korpela, I., Heiskanen, J. 2020. Estimation of forest leaf area index based on spectrally corrected airborne LiDAR pulse penetration index by intensity of point cloud. Yaogan Xuebao/Journal of Remote Sensing 24(12), 1450-1463.

55. Stefanidou, A., Gitas, I.Z., Korhonen, L.,Georgopoulos, N. & Stavrakoudis, D. 2020. Multispectral LiDAR-based estimation of surface fuel load in a dense coniferous forest. Remote Sensing 12(20), 3333.

54. Cosenza, D.N., Korhonen, L., Maltamo, M., Packalen, P., Strunk, J.L., Næsset, E., Gobakken T., Soares, P. & Tomé, M. 2020. Comparison of linear regression, k-nearest neighbor, and random forest methods in airborne laser scanning-based prediction of growing stock. Forestry, article id cpaa034.

53. Maltamo, M., Räty, J., Korhonen, L., Kotivuori, E., Kukkonen, M., Peltola, H., Kangas, J. & Packalen, P. 2020. Prediction of forest canopy fuel parameters in managed boreal forests using multispectral and unispectral airborne laser scanning data and aerial images. European Journal of Remote Sensing, doi:10.1080/22797254.2020.1816142

52. Maltamo, M., Kinnunen, H., Kangas, A. & Korhonen, L. 2020. Predicting stand age in managed forests using National Forest Inventory field data and airborne laser scanning. Forest Ecosystems 7, 44.

51. Stefanidou, A., Gitas, I.Z., Korhonen, L., Stavrakoudis, D. & Georgopoulos, N. 2020. LiDAR-based estimates of canopy base height for a dense uneven-aged structured forest. Remote Sensing 12(10), 1565.

50. Qu, Y., Shaker, A., Korhonen, L., Silva, C.A., Jia, K., Tian, L. & Song, J. 2020. Direct estimation of forest leaf area index based on spectrally corrected airborne LiDAR pulse penetration ratio. Remote Sensing 12(2): 217.

49. Kotivuori, E., Kukkonen, M., Mehtätalo, L., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L. & Packalen, P. 2020. Forest inventories for small areas using drone imagery without in-situ field measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 237, 111404.

48. Korhonen, L., Repola, J., Karjalainen, T., Packalen, P. & Maltamo, M. 2019. Transferability and calibration of airborne laser scanning based mixed-effects models to estimate the attributes of sawlog-sized Scots pines. Silva Fennica 53(3), article id 10179.

47. Kukkonen, M., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L. & Packalen, P. 2019. Comparison of multispectral airborne laser scanning and stereo matching of aerial images as a single sensor solution to forest inventories by tree species. Remote Sensing of Environment 231, 111208.

46. Schraik, D., Varvia, P., Korhonen, L. & Rautiainen, M. 2019. Bayesian inversion of a forest reflectance model using Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 233: 1-12.

45. Mohamedou, C., Korhonen, L., Eerikäinen, K. & Tokola, T. 2019. Using LiDAR-modified topographic wetness index, terrain attributes with leaf area index to improve a single-tree growth model in south-eastern Finland. Forestry 92(3): 253-263.

44. Kukkonen, M., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L. & Packalen, P. 2019. Multispectral Airborne LiDAR Data in the Prediction of Boreal Tree Species Composition. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57(6): 3462-3471.

43. Karjalainen, T., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. & Maltamo, M. 2019. The transferability of airborne laser scanning based tree level models between different inventory areas. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49(3): 228-236.

42. Kukkonen, M., Korhonen, L., Maltamo, M., Suvanto, A. & Packalen, P. 2018. How much can airborne laser scanning based forest inventory by tree species benefit from auxiliary optical data? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 72: 91-98.

41. Kotivuori, E., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L. & Packalen, P. 2018. Calibration of nationwide airborne laser scanning based stem volume models. Remote Sensing of Environment 210: 179-192.

40. Hadi, Pfeifer, M., Korhonen, L., Wheeler, C. & Rautiainen, M. 2017. Forest canopy structure and reflectance in humid tropical Borneo: a physically-based interpretation using spectral invariants. Remote Sensing of Environment 201: 314-330.

39. Lang, M., Nilson, T., Kuusk, A., Pisek, J., Korhonen, L. & Uri, V. 2017. Digital photography for tracking the phenology of an evergreen conifer stand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 246: 15-21.

38. Melin, M., Korhonen, L., Kukkonen, M., Packalen, P. 2017. Assessing the performance of aerial image point cloud and spectral metrics in predicting boreal forest canopy cover. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 129: 77-85.

37. Raabe, K., Pisek, J., Lang, M. & Korhonen, L. 2017. Estimating the beyond-shoot foliage clumping at two contrasting points in the growing season using a variety of field-based methods. Trees 31(4): 1367-1373.

36. Korhonen, L., Hadi, Packalen, P. & Rautiainen, M. 2017. Comparison of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 in the estimation of boreal forest canopy cover and leaf area index. Remote Sensing of Environment 195: 259-274.

35. Majasalmi, T., Korhonen, L., Korpela, I. & Vauhkonen, J. 2017. Application of 3D triangulations of airborne laser scanning data to estimate boreal forest leaf area index. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 59: 53-62.

34. Hovi, A., Liang, J., Korhonen, L., Kobayashi, H., and Rautiainen, M. 2016. Quantifying the missing link between forest albedo and productivity in the boreal zone. Biogeosciences 13: 6015-6030.

33. Hadi, Korhonen, L., Hovi, A., Rönnholm, P., and Rautiainen, M. 2016. The accuracy of large-area forest canopy cover estimation using Landsat in boreal region. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 53: 118-127.

32. Kotivuori, E., Korhonen, L., and Packalen, P. 2016. Nationwide airborne laser scanning based models for volume, biomass and dominant height. Silva Fennica 50(4): article id 1567.

31. Hernández-Clemente, R., Kolari, P., Porcar-Castell, A., Korhonen, L., and Mõttus, M. 2016. Tracking the seasonal dynamics of boreal forest photosynthesis using EO-1 Hyperion reflectance: sensitivity to structural and illumination effects. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54(9): 5105-5116.

30. Kuzmin, A., Korhonen, L., Manninen, T., and Maltamo, M. 2016. Automatic segment-level tree species recognition using high resolution aerial winter imagery. European Journal of Remote Sensing 49: 239-259.

29. Korhonen, L., Salas, C., Østgård, T., Lien, V., Gobakken, T., and Næsset, E. 2016. Predicting the occurrence of large-diameter trees using airborne laser scanning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46(4): 461-469.

28. Kuusinen, N., Stenberg, P., Korhonen, L., Rautiainen, M., and Tomppo, E. 2016. Structural factors driving boreal forest albedo in Finland. Remote Sensing of Environment 175: 43-51.

27. Hovi, A., Korhonen, L., Vauhkonen, J., and Korpela, I. 2016. LiDAR waveform features for tree species classification and their sensitivity to tree- and acquisition related parameters. Remote Sensing of Environment 173: 224-237.

26. Korhonen, L., Ali-Sisto, D., and Tokola, T. 2015. Tropical forest canopy cover estimation using satellite imagery and airborne lidar reference data. Silva Fennica 49(5): article id 1405.

25. Maltamo, M., Pesonen, A., Korhonen, L., Kouki, J., Vehmas, M., and Eerikäinen, K. 2015. Inventory of aspen trees in spruce dominated stands in conservation area. Forest Ecosystems 2(1): 1-12.

24. Heiskanen, J., Korhonen, L., Hietanen, J., and Pellikka, P.K.E. 2015. Use of airborne lidar for estimating canopy gap fraction and leaf area index of tropical montane forests. International Journal of Remote Sensing 36(10): 2569-2583.

23. Rana, P., Korhonen, L., Gautam, B., and Tokola, T. 2014. Effect of field plot location on estimating tropical forest above-ground biomass in Nepal using airborne laser scanning data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 94: 55-62.

22. Lähivaara, T., Seppänen, A., Kaipio, J.P., Vauhkonen, J., Korhonen, L., Tokola, T., and Maltamo, M. 2014. Bayesian approach to tree detection based on airborne laser scanning data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(5):2690-2699.

21. Rana, P., Tokola, T., Korhonen, L., Xu, Q., Kumpula, T., Vihervaara, P., and Mononen, L. 2014. Training area concept in a two-phase biomass inventory using ALS and RapidEye satellite data. Remote Sensing 6(1): 285-309.

20. Gobakken, T., Korhonen, L. and Næsset, E. 2013. Laser-assisted selection of field plots for an area-based forest inventory. Silva Fennica 47(5): article id 943.

19. Korhonen, L., Heiskanen, J., and Korpela, I. 2013. Modelling lidar-derived boreal forest canopy cover with SPOT 4 HRVIR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(22):8172-8181.

18. Pisek, J., Ryu, Y., Sprintsin, M., He, L., Oliphant, A.J., Korhonen, L., Kuusk, J. Kuusk, A., Bergström, R., Verrelst, J. and Alikas, K. 2013. Retrieving vegetation clumping index from Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data at 275 m resolution. Remote Sensing of Environment 138: 126-133.

17. Korhonen, L., Vauhkonen, J., Virolainen, A., Hovi, A., and Korpela, I. 2013. Estimation of tree crown volume from airborne lidar data using computational geometry. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(20): 7236-7248.

16. Korpela, I., Hovi, A., and Korhonen, L. 2013. Backscattering of individual LiDAR pulses from forest canopies explained by photogrammetrically derived vegetation structure. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 83: 81-93.

15. Korhonen, L., Pippuri, I., Packalen, P., Heikkinen, V., Maltamo, M. & Heikkilä, J. 2013. Detection of the need for seedling stand tending using high-resolution remote sensing data. Silva Fennica 47(2): article id 952.

14. Härkönen, S., Tokola, T., Packalen, P., Korhonen, L. & Mäkelä, A. 2013. Predicting forest growth based on airborne LiDAR data, climate data and simplified process-based model. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43(4): 364-375.

13. Heiskanen, J., Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Mõttus, M., Vesanto, V., Korhonen, L. & Majasalmi, T. 2012. Seasonal variation in MODIS LAI for a boreal forest area in Finland. Remote Sensing of Environment 126: 104-115.

12. Manninen, T., Korhonen, L., Voipio, P., Lahtinen, P. & Stenberg, P. 2012. Airborne estimation of boreal forest LAI in winter conditions: a test using summer and winter ground truth. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50(1): 68-74.

11. Rautiainen, M., Heiskanen, J. & Korhonen, L. 2012. Seasonal changes in canopy leaf area index and MODIS vegetation products for a boreal forest site in central Finland. Boreal Environment Research 17: 72-84.

10. Heiskanen, J., Rautiainen, M., Korhonen, L., Mõttus, M. & Stenberg, P. 2011. Retrieval of boreal forest LAI using a forest reflectance model and empirical regressions. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13: 595-606.

9. Korhonen, L., Korpela, I., Heiskanen, J. & Maltamo, M. 2011. Airborne discrete-return LiDAR data in the estimation of vertical canopy cover, angular canopy closure and leaf area index. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(4): 1065-1080.

8. Pisek, J., Lang, M., Nilson, T., Korhonen, L. & Karu, H. 2011. Comparison of methods for measuring gap size distribution and canopy nonrandomness at Järvselja RAMI (RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison) test sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(3): 365-377.

7. Lohila, A., Minkkinen, K., Laine, J., Savolainen, I., Tuovinen, J.-P., Korhonen, L., Laurila, T., Tietäväinen, H. & Laaksonen, A. 2010. Forestation of boreal peatlands: Impacts of changing albedo and greenhouse gas fluxes on radiative forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, G04011, doi:10.1029/2010JG001327.

6. Manninen, T., Korhonen, L., Voipio, P., Lahtinen, P. & Stenberg, P. 2009. Leaf area index (LAI) estimation of boreal forest using wide optics airborne winter photos. Remote Sensing 1(4): 1380-1394.

5. Korhonen, L. & Heikkinen, J. 2009. Automated analysis of in situ canopy images for the estimation of forest canopy cover. Forest Science 55(4): 323-334.

4. Stenberg, P., Korhonen, L. & Rautiainen, M. 2008. A relascope for measuring canopy cover. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38(9): 2545-2550.

3. Korhonen, L., Peuhkurinen, J., Malinen, J., Suvanto, A., Maltamo, M., Packalen, P. & Kangas, J. 2008. The use of airborne laser scanning to estimate sawlog volumes. Forestry 81(4): 499-510.

2. Korhonen, L., Korhonen, K.T., Stenberg, P., Maltamo, M. & Rautiainen, M. 2007. Local models for forest canopy cover with beta regression. Silva Fennica 41(4): 671-685.

1. Korhonen, L., Korhonen, K.T., Rautiainen, M & Stenberg, P. 2006. Estimation of forest canopy cover: a comparison of field measurement techniques. Silva Fennica 40(4): 577-588.

Chapters in scientific books

1. Korhonen, L. and Morsdorf, F. 2014. Estimation of canopy cover, gap fraction and leaf area index with airborne laser scanning. In book: Maltamo, M., Næsset, E. and. Vauhkonen, J. (Eds.): Forestry applications of airborne laser scanning- concepts and case studies. Managing Forest Ecosystems 27. Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, Netherlands. 464 p.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

6. Raabe, K., Pisek, J., Lang, M. & Korhonen, L. 2016. Estimating the clumping index at two contrasting points in the growing season using a variety of field-based methods. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International: 1315-1317.

5. Heiskanen, J., Korhonen, L., Hietanen, J., Heikinheimo, V., Schäfer, E., and Pellikka, P.K.E. 2015. Comparison of field and airborne laser scanning based crown cover estimates across land cover types in Kenya. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XL-7/W3: 409-415.

4. Manninen, T., Korhonen, L., Riihelä, A., Lahtinen, P., Stenberg, P., Roujean, J.-L. & Hautecoeur, O. 2012. Boreal forest albedo and LAI in Snortex 2008-2010. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International.

3. Lähivaara, T., Seppänen, A., Kaipio, J.P., Vauhkonen, J., Korhonen, L., Tokola, T. & Maltamo, M. 2012. Bayesian approach to tree detection with airborne laser scanning. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International, pp. 1641-1644.

2. Heiskanen, J., Rautiainen, M., Korhonen, L., Mõttus, M. & Stenberg,P. 2011. Generating fine resolution leaf area index maps for boreal forests of Finland. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2011 IEEE International, pp.2326-2329.

1. Manninen, T., Korhonen, L., Voipio, P., Lahtinen, P. & Stenberg, P. 2010. Estimation of boreal forest LAI in winter conditions: test of a new method using wide optics airborne images. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International, pp.2652-2655, 25-30 July 2010.

Scientific theses

2. Korhonen, L. 2011. Estimation of boreal forest canopy cover with ground measurements, statistical models and remote sensing. Dissertationes Forestales 115. 56 p.

1. Korhonen, L. 2006. Havumetsän latvuspeiton mittaaminen ja ennustaminen puustotunnuksista. M.Sc. thesis, University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forest Sciences. 71 p.

Selected other publications

9. Kukkonen, M., Kotivuori, E., Maltamo, M., Korhonen, L., & Packalen, P. (2021). Puulajeittaisen tilavuuden ennustaminen drooni-aineistolla hyödyntäen aikaisemmin kerättyjä aineistoja ja siirrettyä tilavuusmallia. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2021, artikkeli 10558.

8. Korhonen, L., Packalen, P., Korpela, I. 2018. The accuracy of direct lidar-based estimation of forest canopy cover. Abstract. ForestSAT 2018, College Park, MD. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.29799.29603

7. Korhonen, L., Repola, J., Karjalainen, T., Packalen, P., Maltamo, M. 2019. Laserkeilauspohjaisten puutason sekamallien soveltaminen ja kalibrointi inventointialueiden välillä. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, artikkeli id 10236.

6. Kotivuori, E., Korhonen, L., Packalen, P. 2016. Suomen valtakunnalliset laserkeilauspohjaiset puuston tilavuus-, biomassa- ja valtapituusmallit. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, artikkeli id 5712.

5. Korhonen, L., Ali-Sisto, D., Tokola, T. 2015. Trooppisen metsän latvuspeittävyyden estimointi satelliittikuvien ja laserkeilauspohjaisen referenssiaineiston avulla. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, artikkeli id 6539.

4. Korhonen, L., Pippuri, I., Packalen, P., Heikkinen, V., Maltamo, M., and Heikkilä, J. 2013. Taimikonhoitotarpeen määrittäminen korkean resoluution kaukokartoitusaineistojen avulla. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2013(2): 193.

3. Korhonen, L. 2011. Latvuspeittävyys, sen mittaaminen ja kansainvälinen metsän määritelmä. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2011(4): 276-280.

2. Korhonen, L., Kaartinen, H., Kukko, A., Solberg, S. & Astrup, R. 2010. Estimating vertical canopy cover with terrestrial and airborne laser scanning. Proceedings of Silvilaser 2010, September 14-17, Freiburg, Germany. 11 p.

1. Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Heiskanen, J., Mõttus, M., Korhonen, L., Peltoniemi, J. Suomalainen, J., Kaasalainen, S. ja Manninen, T. 2008. Metsän kaukokartoituksen perustutkimus? Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2008(2): 117-126.