Lauri's homepage![]() ContactLauri KorhonenSenior researcher University of Eastern Finland School of Forest Sciences PO Box 111 FI-80101 Joensuu ResearchReseach interests: forest canopy cover and leaf area index estimation, remote sensing of canopy structure, airborne laser scanning applications in forest inventory.I completed my doctoral thesis on forest canopy cover estimation in 2011 at the University of Eastern Finland. Currently I work as a senior researcher of forest mensuration at the UEF School of Forest Sciences. I have also worked at the University of Helsinki and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Publications42 peer-reviewed scientific articles and several other publications. Full list of publications with links to papersTeaching at UEFKaukokartoituksen peruskurssi (introduction to remote sensing)Metsätieteen perusopintojen kenttäkurssi, metsän mittauksen osio (forest mensuration field course) Advanced remote sensing
LinksGoogle ScholarResearchGate University of Eastern Finland University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences LAI Detective's blog PHYSENSE-network Matlab codes for canopy image analysis |