Fibrous Products (5 cpu / 3.5 ov) 3513057

Kuiturakenteet Petri P. Kärenlampi


Student will gain ability to analyze, evaluate and develop principal manufacturing processes and product properties, utilizing high-school level mathematics and physics.


Lectures 24 h, Exercises 46 h, literature, excursion and examinations 58 h


The student will gain an ability to analyze, evaluate, and develop principal manufacturing processes and product properties, utilizing high-school level mathematics and physics.


Essentials: Filtration and Consolidation. Pulp Manufacturing. Papermaking materials. Relationships between product structure and properties.

Complementary knowledge: Paper grades. Demand. Productivity. Anisotropy. Mechanical Properties. Wet pressing and density effects.

Special knowledge: Kubelka-Munk optics. Color co-ordinates.



Link to lectures on Mondays:


Link to lectures on Wednesdays:





Monday, Wednesday, Room Bor101


5.9. 2022, 8-10  Fiber, Paper and Paperboard Products


7.9., 8-12          Fibrous Structures

                        Papermaking Materials

                        RBA and Fiber Coverage

                        Filtration and Consolidation


12.9., 8-10        Pulp Manufacturing


14.9., 8-12        Pulp Beating


19.9., 8-10        The Filtration Problem


21.9., 8-12        The Retention Problem

                        Forming Anisotropy


26.9., 8-10        Drying Shrinkage

                        Wet Pressing and Density Effects

                        Stiffness and Strength


28.9., 8-12        Kubelka-Munk Optics




Weekly exercises 25%

Exam 75%


Weekly exercises are due each Monday at 9 am, between September 12 and October 3, to be returned to the grey/green metallic mailbox by the Northern entrance of the Borealis Building.

Discussion of the last weekly exercise at October 5, 08-10 at N106.


In addition, there is an experimental exercise by September 30.  Reporting session by October 7. The experimental exercises are supervised by Dr. Pekka Tynjälä. Experimental exercise is predominantly group work and does not affect grading.








- Product structure, from the viewpoint of product properties

- Manufacturing processes

- Fiber raw materials, their production processes

- Product development, process development

- Measurements and steering actions on the production line

- Laboratory practices and equipment


Reporting Session for experimental Exercises on October 7 at 14-16,  Room Bor100.



Saltman, D. and Thompson, L., Pulp and paper primer. Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry (Tappi), 2nd Ed. 1998.

Smook, G. A., Handbook for pulp and paper technologists. Angus Wilde Publications, 2nd Ed. 1992. Pages 1-19, 36-132, 186-363.


Final Examination October 12, at 14-16, Room F101.

Possibility for eventual renewals October 26, at 12-14, Room Bor 101.




Handwritten Lecture Notes


Weekly Exercises:


Exercise 1


Exercise 2


Exercise 3


Exercise 4


Some References:







Lecture recordings:




Experimental exercise:



1. Size effect due to thickness

                        Size effect on mechanical properties.


2. Size effect due to in-plane dimensions

                        Size effect on mechanical properties.


3. Anisotropy / Drying shrinkage

                        Fiber orientation  & Drying Shrinkage -> anisotropy in mechanical properties.


4. Beating of Chemical Pulp

                        Effect on filtration resistance


5. Blending of Chemical and Mechanical Pulp

                        Effect on filtration resistance


6. Groundwood Pulp Manufacturing

                        Effect of feeding rate


7. Groundwood Pulp Manufacturing

                        Effect of peripheral speed