List of Publications



A) Peer-reviewed scientific articles


1. Kärenlampi, P.: Puun lahonkestävyys ja kosteusdynamiikka. Summary: The Decay Resistance and Moisture Dynamics of Wood. A Literature Study. Silva Fenn. 21(2):123-133 (1987).

2. Kärenlampi, P. and Suni, J.: Röjning på skogbevuxna torvmarker. Summary: Motor-manual treatment of young stands on peatlands. Suo 41(4-5):97-101 (1990).

3. Kärenlampi, P.: Quality Management in Wood Procurement. Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 72(7):688-691 (1990).

4. Kärenlampi, P.: Wood Moisture Content in Grinding. Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 74(4):328-336 (1992).

5. Kärenlampi, P.: Spruce Wood Fiber Properties and Mechanical Pulps. Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 74(8):650-664 (1992). (1991 Tappi Pulping Conference, pp. 361-384).

6. Kärenlampi, P.: Spruce Pulpwood Quality Parameters. Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 74(10):807-812 (1992).

7. Kärenlampi, P., Retulainen, E., and Kolehmainen, H., Properties of Kraft Pulps from Different Forest Stands - Theory and Experiment. Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J. 9(4):214-218, 231 (1994).

8. Kärenlampi, P.: Effect of Distributions of Fiber Properties on Tensile Strength of Paper: A Closed-Form Theory. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 21(4):138-134 (1995).

9. Kärenlampi, P.: Tensile Strength of Paper: A Simulation Study. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 21(6):209-214 (1995).

10. Kärenlampi, P., and Suur-Hamari, H.: Classified Wood Raw Materials for Diversified Softwood Kraft Pulps. Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 79(6):404-410 (1997).  (1995 Tappi Pulping Conference, Chicago, Ill. Oct. 1-5., pp, 683-690.)

11. Kärenlampi, P.: Tensile Strength of a Mixture Two Pulps. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 21(12):J432-436 (1995).

12. Kärenlampi, P.: The Effect of Fibre Connectivity on Reinforcing Efficiency. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 22(1):J31-37 (1996).

13. Kärenlampi, P.: Reply to Comment on "The effect of fibre connectivity on reinforcing efficiency." J. Pulp Paper Sci. 22(11):J410 (1996).

14. Kärenlampi, P.: The Effect of Pulp Fiber Properties on the Tearing Work of Paper. Tappi 79(4):211-216 (1996).

15. Kärenlampi, P., Suur-Hamari, H., Alava, M. and Niskanen, K.: The Effect of Pulp Fiber Properties on In-Plane Tearing Work of Paper. Tappi 79(5):203-210 (1996).

16. Kärenlampi, P., Rantanen, R., Hämäläinen, T. and Suur-Hamari, H.: Opacity, Smoothness and Toughness of Mechanical Printing Papers: the Effect of Softwood Kraft Pulp Properties. Tappi 80(4):119-125 (1997). (1996 Papermakers Conference, Philadelphia, PA., March 1996, pp. 153-160.)

17. Niskanen, K., Kärenlampi, P. and Alava, M.: Stochastic Analysis of Paper Toughness. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 22(10):J392-397 (1996).

18. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Distributions and Correlations of Softwood Fiber Properties Within Age-Classified Pulps. Wood and Fiber Science 29(2):178-188 (1997).

19. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Parempaa paperia luokitellusta raaka-aineesta? Folia For. 1/1997:109-113.

20. Yu, Y. and Kärenlampi, P.: On Crack Stability in Paper Toughness Testing. J. Mater. Sci. 32:6513-6517 (1997).

21. Kärenlampi, P., Cichoracki, T., Alava, M., Pylkkö, J. and Paulapuro, H.: A Comparison of Two Test Methods for Estimating the Fracture Energy of Paper. Tappi 81(3):154-160 (1998).

22. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Pits as Natural Irregularities in Softwood Fibers. Wood and Fiber Science 30(1):27-39 (1998).

23. Kärenlampi, P.: Mechanical properties of information papers - the effect of softwood kraft pulp. Tappi 81(11):137-147 (1998). (TAPPI 1997 Papermakers/Engineering Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, Oct. 6-9, 1997, pp.  365-399.)

24. Östlund, S., Niskanen, K. and Kärenlampi, P.: On the prediction of the strength of paper structures with a flaw. J. Pulp Paper Sci. 25(10):356-360 (1999).  (1998 Paper Physics Seminar, Vancouver, BC, C5.)

25. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Maturity-, growth rate- and geometry effects on the properties of spruce wood tracheids. Wood Sci. Tech. 35(6):541-554 (2001). (1998 Paper Physics Seminar, Vancouver, BC, A6 (5 p).)

26. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Two scales of variation in Norway Spruce tracheid properties. Wood and Fiber Science 32(3):311-331 (2000).

27. Kärenlampi, P.: (Comment on "Fracture Energy on Fibre and Bond Failure".) J. Pulp Paper Sci. 26(2):41 (2000).

28. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Fiber property models for Norway Spruce trees and logs. Paperi ja Puu 83(6):474-481 (2001).

29. Östlund, S. and Kärenlampi, P.: Structural geometry effect on the size-scaling of strength. Int. J. Fract. 109(2):141-151 (2001).

30. Kärenlampi, P. and Riekkinen, M.: Maturity and growth rate effects on Scots pine basic density. Wood Sci. Tech 38(?):??-?? (2004).

31. Kärenlampi, P. and Riekkinen, M.: Pine heartwood formation as a maturation phenomenon. J. Wood Sci. 48(6):467-472 (2002).

32. Tynjälä, P. and Kärenlampi, P. P.: Cell wall porosity in spruce wood - variation within annual ring and drying response. Submitted (10/2002).

33. Kärenlampi, P.: The effect of material disorder on fatigue damage induced by unidirectional loading. Eng. Fracture Mech. 71(4-6):419-424 (2004). (Second Int. Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Milan, Italy, Sept. 18-20, 2001, pp. 87-92.).

34. Kärenlampi, P. and Riekkinen, M.: Prediction of the heartwood content of pine logs. Wood Fiber Sci. 35(1):83-89 (2003).

35. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Mechanical behavior of steam-treated spruce wood under compressive strain. Submitted (10/2001).

36. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Dynamic mechanical behavior of steam-treated wood. Mechanics of Materials 34(6):333-347 (2002).

37. Kärenlampi, P. P.: Viscoplasticity of steam-treated wood. Mech. Time-Dep. Matls. 9:161-172 (2005).

38. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: The effect of temperature and compression on the mechanical behavior of steam-treated wood. J. Wood Sci. 49(4):298-304 (2003).

39. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P. Off-axis fatigue loading of steamed wood. Int. J. Fatigue 24(12):1235-1242 (2002).

40. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Molecular reorganization in wood. Mechanics of Materials 35(12):1149-1159 (2003).

41. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Molecular fatigue in steamed steamed wood. Int. J. Fatigue 25(6):489-497 (2003).

42. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Phase transformations of wood cell wall water. J. Wood Sci. 51:118-123 (2005).

43. Kärenlampi, P. P., Dilute-Crack Approximations for Damage and Fracture in Disordered Structures. Eur. Phys. J. B 59:385-390 (2007).

44. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Mechanical behavior of heat-treated spruce (Picea abies) wood at constant moisture content and ambient humidity.  Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 66:63-69 (2008) (DOI 10.1007/s00107-007-0207-3).

45. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P. P., Effect of relative humidity on thermal degradation of Norway spruce (Picea abies) wood. J. Wood Sci. J. Wood Sci. 54(4):323-328 (2008).

46. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Mechanical behavior of heat-treated spruce (Picea abies) wood at constant moisture content and ambient humidity. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 66:63-69 (2008).

47. Kärenlampi, P., Symmetry Considerations on the Stiffness and Eigen Deformations of Plant Fibers and Structures Made of Them. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 10402 (2009).

48. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Three mechanisms affecting the mechanical properties of dried spruce wood. J. Wood Sci. 65:87-94 (2010).

49. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Hygroscopicity of heat-treated Norway spruce (Picea abies) wood. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 68(2):233-235 (2010).

50. Kärenlampi, P. P., The Effect of Logging Compartment Division on Harvesting Pricing. Int. J. For. Eng. 21(2):8-13 (July 2011).

51. Kärenlampi, P. P., Age Distribution of Trees in Stationary Forest System. Journal of Theoretical Biology 270(2011):13-18.

52. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Cell wall porosity in Norway spruce wood as affected by high-temperature drying. Wood and Fiber Science 43(2):206-214 (2011).

53. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Radial mechanical properties of high-temperature dried Norway spruce (Picea abies) wood. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 6(3):147-154 (2011).

54. Kärenlampi, P. P., Thermal and Moisture Expansion of Material Elements and Macroscopic Bodies with Geometrical Symmetries - Wood Logs and Sawn Goods as Practical Examples. Materials and Structures 45(5):747-764 (2012).

55. Kärenlampi, P. P., Species extinction in finite replicator systems. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 106, Issue 3, pages 689–697, July 2012.

56. Kärenlampi, P. P., Symmetry of interactions rules in incompletely connected random replicator ecosystems .  Eur. Phys. J. E 37(6):56 (2014).

57. Kärenlampi, P. P., Extremal Dynamics in Random Replicator Ecosystems. Physics Letters A 379(37):2209-2214 (2015).

58. Kärenlampi, P. P., Evolution Models with Extremal Dynamics. Heliyon 2(8), August 2016,  e00144.

59. Wu, F. and Kärenlampi, P. P. 2017. Phase Transition in a Growing Network. Journal of Complex Networks 6(5):788-799 (2018).

60. Kärenlampi P. P., Stationary forestry with human interference. Sustainability 2018, 10(10), 3662.

61. Kärenlampi P. P., Spruce forest stands at stationary state. J. For. Res. 30(4):1167–1178 (2019).

62. Kärenlampi P. P., Harvesting design by capital return. Forests 2019, 10(3), 283.

63. Kärenlampi P. P., State-space approach to capital return in nonlinear growth processes. Agriculturar Finance Review 79 (2019).

64. Kärenlampi P. P., Wealth Accumulation in Rotation Forestry – Failure of the Net Present Value Optimization?. Preprints 2019, 2019010194 doi: 10.20944/preprints201901.0194.v1  PLoS ONE 14(10): e0222918 (2019).

65. Kärenlampi P. P., The Effect of Capitalization on Financial Return in Periodic Growth. Heliyon 5(10):e02728, 2019. 


66. Kärenlampi P. P., Net present value of multiannual growth in the absence of periodic boundary conditions. Agricultural Finance Review 10.1108/AFR-02-2020-0028 (2020).

67. Kärenlampi P. P., Estate-Level Economics of Carbon Storage and Sequestration. Forests 2020, 11(6), 643.

68. Kärenlampi, P.P. The Effect of Empirical Log Yield Observations on Carbon Storage Economics. Forests 2020, 11, 1312.

69. Kärenlampi, P.P. Diversity of Carbon Storage Economics in Fertile Boreal Spruce (Picea Abies) Estates. Sustainability 2021, 13, 560.

70. Kärenlampi P. P. Capital return rate and carbon storage on forest estates of three boreal tree species. Sustainability 2021, 13(12), 6675;
71. Kärenlampi, P.P. Valuation and capital return as inverse problems. In "Innovation, Research and Development and Capital Evaluation," 978-1-80355-505-8, Jan. 20, 2022.

72. Kärenlampi, P.P. Two Sets of Initial Conditions on Boreal Forest Carbon Storage Economics. PLOS Clim 1(2) (Feb. 1, 2022): e0000008.

73. Kärenlampi. P. P. Empirical observations of the yield of logs from trees of the boreal region. Baltic Forestry 28(1) (2022).

74. Kärenlampi, P.P. Capitalization and Capital Return in Boreal Carbon Forestry. Earth 2022, 3, 204-227.

75. Kärenlampi, P.P. Two Manifestations of Market Premium in the Capitalization of Carbon Forest Estates. Energies 2022, 15, 3212.

76. Kärenlampi, P.P. Lagrangians of Multiannual Growth Systems. Foundations 2023, 3, 115-126.

77. Kärenlampi, P.P. Microeconomics of nitrogen fertilization in boreal carbon forestry. Climate 2023, 11, 194.

78. Kärenlampi, P.P. Two Sets of Boundary Conditions in Cyclical Systems with Goodwill in Capitalization. Foundations 2024, 4, 3-13.




B) Non-refereed scientific articles


P1. Kärenlampi, P.: Quality Management in Spruce Pulpwood Procurement. IUFRO S3.04.01 Conference, 27-31.January 1992, pp. 57-68.

P2. Kärenlampi, P.: Nordic Softwood Fibers and Chemical Pulps. 1992 Tappi Pulping Conference, Boston, Mass., pp. 855-872.

P3. Kärenlampi, P., Retulainen, E., and Kolehmainen, H.: Nordic Softwood Alternatives for Kraft Pulps. SPP Progress -93, XI International Papermaking Conference, 27.-30.9.1993, Lódz, Poland, 2, 77-93.

P4. Kärenlampi, P., Niskanen, K. and Alava, M.: The Fracture Toughness of Paper: the Effect of Fiber Properties and Fiber Bonding. 1995 International Paper Physics Conference, Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 11-14., pp, P39-46.

P5. Kärenlampi, P., Cichoracki, T., Pylkkö, J. and Paulapuro, H.: A Comparison of Paper Toughness Testing Methods: The Effect of Fiber Properties and Furnish Design. 1996 Paper Physics Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, 137-139.

P6. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Distributions and Correlations of Fiber Properties.  1996 Paper Physics Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, 173-175.

P7. Kärenlampi, P. and Yu, Y.: Fiber Properties and Paper Fracture - Fiber Length and Fiber Strength. 11th Fundamental Research Symposium, Cambridge, England Sept. 23-26, 1997, pp. 521-545.

P8. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Classification of wood raw material for fiber dimensions. 1998 Tappi Pulping Conference, Montreal, QC, October 25-29, 1998, pp. 1403-1410.

P9. Östlund, S. and Kärenlampi, P.: Scaling law for the strength of paper structures with a flaw.  1999 Paper Physics Conference, San Diego, CA, Sept. 26-30, 1999, pp. 179-198.

P10. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Three scales of variation in fiber geometry. 1999 Paper Physics Conference, San Diego, CA, Sept. 26-30, 1999, pp. 199-210.

P11. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Variation of spruce fiber properties between logs and trees. 1999 Tappi Pulping Conference, Orlando, FL, Oct. 31- Nov. 4., 1999, pp. 857-870.

P12. Kärenlampi, P.: Fatigue damage induced by compressive loading. First International Conference of the European Society of Wood Mechanics, Lausanne, Swizerland, April 19-20, 2001, pp. 469-483.

P13. Tynjälä, P. and Kärenlampi, P.: Spruce cell wall porosity - variation within annual ring and drying response. First International Conference of the European Society of Wood Mechanics, Lausanne, Swizerland, April 19-20, 2001, pp. 55-58.

P14. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Molecular fatigue in cell walls. 2002 Paper Physics Seminar, Finger Lakes, NY, Sept. 8-13, pp. 240-243.

P15. Tynjälä, P., Kärenlampi, P. P. and Ström, P.: Variation and changes in cell wall structure, as reflected in phase transformations of cell wall water. Second International Conference of the European Society of Wood Mechanics,  May 25-28, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 217-222.

P16. Kärenlampi, P. P., Tynjälä, P. and Ström, P.: Wood response to periodic compressive straining. 4th plant biomechanics conference, East Lansing, MI, Jul. 20-25, 2003, pp. ??-??.

P17. Borrega, M. and Kärenlampi, P., Hygroscopicity of heat-treated wood. Proceedings from Nordic Workshop on Wood Engineering, Skellefteå, February 21, 2007, pp. 4-11.

P18. Kärenlampi, P.P. Growth and Yield of Three Boreal Tree Species. Preprints 2021, 2021030673 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202103.0673.v1).

P19. Kärenlampi, P.P. Two strategies for boreal forestry with goodwill in capitalization. arXiv:2205.06744 [econ.GN]   May 13, 2022.

P20. Kärenlampi, PP. Diameter growth of boreal trees: Norwegian model applied to Finland. , August 4, 2023.

P21. Kärenlampi, P.P. Disturbance Effects on Financial Timberland Returns in Austria. ArXiv 2305.00887 General Economics (econ.GN); General Finance (q-fin.GN)  May 1, 2023. Submitted to Finance and Stochastics, Sept 9, 2023.

P22. Kärenlampi, P. P., Path-dependency and leverage effect on capital return in periodic growth processes. , March 20, 2024. March 22, 2024. April 21, 2024.

P23. Kärenlampi, P.P. Mortality of Boreal Trees. Preprints 2024, 2024040922.    doi: 10.20944/preprints202404.0922.v1



O3. Kärenlampi, P.: Mekaanisen massan puuraaka-aineen vaikutus puupitoisten painopaperien ominaisuuksiin.  Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 77(8):472-478 (1995).

O4. Kärenlampi, P.: Sulfaattihavusellun puuraaka-aineen vaikutus puupitoisten painopaperien ominaisuuksiin.  Paperi ja Puu - Paper and Timber 77(9):565-570 (1995).

O5. Niskanen, K. and Kärenlampi, P.: In-plane tensile properties. In textbook of Pulp and Paper Technology, part 17, "Paper Physics", (ed. K. Niskanen), Finnish Pulp and Paper Engineers' Association, 1998.

O8. Kärenlampi, P.: Strength and Toughness of Paper: the Effect of Pulp Fiber Properties. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Paper Technology, Report A 4 (1996). 89 p.

O9. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Kuusipuun kuituominaisuuksien vaihtelu. (Variation in spruce wood fiber properties.) University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Resource Management, Report 22 (1999). 77 p, In Finnish.

O10. Kärenlampi, P. P.: Thinning Schedules for Spruce Stands. Preprints 2019, 2019020012

O11. Kärenlampi, P.P. Two Sets of Initial Conditions on Boreal Forest Carbon Storage Economics. Preprints 2021, 2021070439 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202107.0439.v2).


C) Scientific books (monographs)


O1. Kärenlampi, P.: Kartiokaatopäällä varustetun kaivukoneen käytöstä puunkaato- ja kasauskoneena. Metsähallitus, tutkimusselostus 146, 67 s., 1985. (On the use of an excavator with conical felling head as a feller-buncher, The Finnish Forest and Park Cervice, Research report 146, 67 p., In Finnish).

O2. Kärenlampi, P., Lundström, H., Milberg, P., Tamminen, Z., and Thörnqvist, T.: Vedegenskaper och mikrobiella angrepp i och på byggnadsvirke. Litteraturstudie. Byggforskningsrådet, Sweden, Rapport R10:1987. (Wood properties and microbial activity in and on construction wood. A literature Study. In Swedish).

O6. Kärenlampi, P., Suur-Hamari, H., Rantanen, R. and Hämäläinen, T.: Havusellun laadun ohjaus raaka-ainetta luokittelemalla. Management of Softwood Kraft Pulp Quality by Wood Raw Material Classification. University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Resource Management, Report 13 (1996). 80 p.

O7. Sirviö, J. and Kärenlampi, P.: Puukuitujen ominaisuuksien jakaumia ja korrelaatioita. (Distributions and correlations of fiber properties.) University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Resource Management, Report 14 (1996). 56 p, In Finnish.



H) Patents and invention disclosures


i1. Kärenlampi, P.: A packaging paper product and method of producing same. Finnish Patent Application 20000924.

i2. Kärenlampi, P.: Menetelmä saheiden tuottamiseksi. (Method for the production of sawn goods.) Finnish Patent Application 20001235.

i3. Kärenlampi, P.: Highly productive wood pulp grinding method and apparatus. Finnish Patent Application 20001449.

i4. Kärenlampi, P.: A method for drying wood and wood based products. Finnish Patent Application 20031003.

i5. Kärenlampi, P.: A Method for Dividing a Logging Site to Compartments.. Patentable Invention, January 2009.

i6. Kärenlampi, P.: A Method for Producing and Classifying Sawn Goods. A method for drying wood and wood based products. Patentable Invention, October 2009.

i7. Kärenlampi Petri. Menetelmä metsän uudistamiseksi. Keksintöilmoitus 7.6.2017.